Committee Responsibilities

Budget & Finance: Assures adequate income and monitors expenses. Has primary responsibility for soliciting contributions and managing rentals Coordinates with treasurer in preparation of budget and oversight of restricted funds and investments. Learn more 

Care & Counsel: Provides pastoral care on personal, spiritual, and financial issues. Oversees marriages, the membership process, and formation of clearness committees. Learn more  

Fellowship: Hosts weekly fellowship after Meeting for Worship. Learn more

First Day School: Creates and implements religious education and other programs for children and youth. Learn more 

House & Property: Oversees building maintenance, repairs, and improvements. Learn more

Jumble Sale: Manages the annual Jumble Sale fundraiser. Learn more 

Library: Manages the Meeting library.

Nominating: Recommends people to serve on other committees.

Peace & Social Concerns:  Supports activities that carry out the Meeting’s concerns in the areas of peace, justice, equality, and environmental responsibility. Learn more 

Personnel: Supervises employees including Meeting secretary and child care providers.

Worship & Ministry: Assures that Meeting for Worship remains spiritually grounded. Offers programs of adult religious education and spiritual formation. Learn more about worship. Learn more about adult religious education

We encourage members and attenders to join committees! To learn more about the work of a given committee, or to volunteer for committee membership, contact the Meeting secretary and ask to be put in touch with the appropriate committee clerk.