The Meeting treasurer and Budget & Finance committee are jointly responsible for assuring adequate income and monitoring expenditures.
Where the Money Comes From
Contributions from members and attenders provide more than 60 percent of our operating revenues. Other sources are rentals, Jumble Sale, and interest income.
Bequests are an important source of funds for major repairs and capital improvements.
How the Money is Used
More than half our budget is devoted to our Meeting secretary’s salary and to maintaining and insuring our building. Nearly one-third of our budget provides support for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and Chester Quarterly Meeting. Other expenditures cover a range of purposes including Cooking for the Homeless, First Day School for children, office and classroom supplies, honoraria for guest speakers, and additions to the depreciation fund.
How We Pay for Major Capital Improvements
We draw on our depreciation and bequest funds to cover major repairs such as the recent new roof and the projected work of repointing the exterior foundation. Each year we transfer a portion of our operating income into the depreciation fund to build the capital reserves needed for these projects.
The Meeting administers several funds that make small grants to individuals for specific purposes. Learn more…