Please check the Upcoming Events listings on the home page and our calendar for information on future spiritual nurture activities. Past and ongoing programs have included:
Spiritual Formation Program
More than 25 members and attenders are taking part in a year-long Spiritual Formation Program sponsored by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting that began in January 2014. Participants meet twice a month in small groups to worship and share responses to spiritual readings.
Silent Retreats
Every Christmas season, a Meeting member leads a four-hour silent retreat and meal that provides an opportunity for quiet reflection, prayer and centering during an often too-busy time.
Arts and Spirituality Workshops
In full-day workshops led by one of our members, participants explored their personal connections to spirituality as they blended creative artwork with the power of the written word.
Annual Arts and Spirituality Forum
In a Sunday forum each spring, members and attenders share their artistic expressions of spirituality, including music, graphic arts, handicrafts, and poetry.
Spiritual Journey Programs
Several times a year, the Worship & Ministry Committee invites a Meeting member or attender to give a talk about his or her spiritual journey in life, including such aspects as religious background and experiences, current beliefs, and faith perspective. Listeners are usually invited to ask questions and make comments in a tender and worshipful way. These sharings deepen our understanding of and commitment to one another in community.
To read a selection of Quaker writings on spirituality, click here